Parents Role in Helping with Car Wash Fundraisers

As a parent you will be asked to assist with your children's car wash fundraiser activities. It is important that you take an active role in these endeavors. Car washing builds hard work ethic and teaches children the value of money. Please read below and see the advice that top car washing fundraising expert Lance Winslow gives to non-profit groups regarding the parent's roles and responsibilities in car wash fundraising.


If your group is a youth group you should enlist the help of the parents at a general meeting. Tell them of the importance of this fundraiser to your budget. Tell them you need the money and anything the group doesn't earn the parents will have to come up with. Make sure they supervise their child and allow them to sell tickets, drive them to a location to sell tickets or suggest people or places to sell tickets. For example: "Go down the street to the Jones' house and ask them. They have five cars. Or maybe after school you can go down to the grocery store and sell at least five tickets. Take a few tickets to your sister's soccer game or maybe someone at church may buy a few tickets.'' Parents need to be prepared to provide motivation, support and transportation to help their children with a fundraiser. Even buy a couple of tickets to get the ball rolling or buy the last two if their kid comes up a few short of his or her goal. They shouldn't buy all the tickets because kids must learn money doesn't grow on trees. They shouldn't be spoiled. It may be hard work to tote kids around to do ticket sales but the lesson learned is worth its weight in gold.

Lastly, parents should be given a couple of ticket booklets to take to work. If they are a CEO, middle manager or head receptionist, they can easily sell a lot of tickets. If they work at city hall or at a government agency this can be a great opportunity for your group. Parents can be very creative. You'll be surprised. I remember one situation where a Vice President dad put in a request for the company to buy five hundred tickets. The CEO agreed because the Vice President had completed a big project on time and under budget just before a big stockholder meeting. At the next general meeting of the fundraiser group the dad delivered a check for $2,500. We proceeded to call the local newspaper and the company received front page publicity. The company distributed the tickets to all 450 employees on a Friday afternoon. What a win-win situation.

One mom convinced her boss to pledge $5.00 per car for her daughter's fundraiser and then ran off two hundred free car wash flyers with the company's logo on them indicating it was a sponsor of the event and distributed the flyers to the employees. Fifty extra cars showed up from her efforts making all the other per car pledges worth more to the group. They washed 375 cars that day. So this $5.00 pledge was very significant. And, the boss received increased productivity for the next month because he gave everyone a free car wash. That was one smart mom. She gave credit to her boss and raised money for her daughter's group and everybody won.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;